Geosolve wallap examples
Geosolve wallap examples

geosolve wallap examples

Ksp Danish Geotechnical Institude LatPilePro Tsoft Deep Deep Excavation LLC Ddrw-1 Shamsher Prakash Foundation Cantilever Wall Fine Ltd. WALLAP İngiltere Geosolve WALLS Almanya FIDES Yazılım Adı Yayımcı Earth Pressure Fine Ltd.


SheetPile Wall İtalya Geostru Software SPOOKS Danimarka Danish Geotechnical Ins. MSheet Hollanda GeoDelft PYWALL ABD Ensoft Inc. GGU Almanya Civilserve Gmbh K-REA Tunus TERRASOL KSP Danimarka Danish Geotechnical Ins. GAVAC ABD Maccaferri Geoflex Hollanda Cofra bv GEOMUR Fransa GEOS I. Cellublock İtalya Geostru Software DC-Cantilever Almanya DC Software DEEP ABD Deep Excavation LLC FEWALLS Almanya RIB Software GABION Çek Cumhuriyeti FINE Ltd. Cantilever Wall Çek Cumhuriyeti FINE Ltd. BMWALL ABD Ensoft Inc hcads Piled Wall Suite İngiltere CADS C&D Ltd. = 2.00 M P z P b devir h v ΣF z e F x = M M O = 0 z 0, net O x B/2 B/2 B α e B = 2 x σ max min Fz 6 e = 1± B L BĦ İSMİ MENŞEİ FİRMASI Abutment Çek Cumhuriyeti FINE Ltd.

geosolve wallap examples

Eccentiricity M s P v P a δ P h α σ min z β 1.Kayma = sürücü h Fdirenen FR G. Material StrengthĤ β D f P p O M b H b B P v M s α z δ P a P h P h P v Active Force = P cos (90 α + δ) a = P sin (90 α + δ) a σ min σ max F = M + P + M z b v s Total Vertical Forces F = P + B c + F f R p z Resisting Strength Design 2 c = c 3 f 2 = tan φ 3 Exist ĥ D f P p H O b B σ max M b 3. Aşkın ÖZOCAK SAÜ Civil Engineering Faculty Geotechnical Department Đstanbul Kültür University 29 March 2010Ģ RETAINING WALLS TS7994 Rigid Semi flexible Flexible Rigid Retaining Walls Gravity Retaining Wall Semi-gravity Retaining Wall Cantilever Wall Cantilever Wall with Threshold Counterfort Wall Buttressed Wall Semi-flexible Retaining Structures Crib Walls Reinforced Concrete Crib Retaining Wall Steel Crib Retaining Wall Gabions Piled Walls Spaced Pile Walls Secant Pile Walls Overlapped Pile Walls Grouted Secant Pile Walls Diaphragm Walls Flexible Retaining Walls Sheetpiling Cantilever Sheetpile Walls Anchored Sheetpile Walls Reinforced Soil Walls Bellows type Telescope type Guide typeģ FORCES ACTING ON THE RETAINING WALL (TS7994) YASS M b M s P a P w P p1 P p2 S STABILITY CALCULATIONS 1.


1 RETAIN PRO 9.0 Advanced Retaining Wall Design Yrd.Doç.Dr.

Geosolve wallap examples